Revision tips: Defining exam readiness
Maren Fichter

How exam-ready are you?

Or maybe a better question is, do you know how to evaluate how exam-ready you are? If you’re planning revision time into your week, you’re already well on your way. But it’s always helpful to have a way of measuring your progress as you go, so let’s take a look at two key indicators you can use to evaluate your own exam readiness:

Keep an eye on your strong and weak areas 🚦

Confidence ratings are a great way to figure out what topics you’re prepared for, and which ones you need to revise more. For every subject, mark your confidence on each topic as low (red), medium (yellow), or high (green).

Revise your red topics first, and update your confidence ratings whenever you revise. Your goal is to gradually shift all your confidence ratings from red to green - the more green you’re seeing, the closer you are to exam-ready.

Keep track of the past papers you’ve done ✅

Past exam papers are your most powerful revision resource. They help you practise exam questions and techniques in real conditions, and you can find past papers for all your subjects online.

It’s generally a good idea to do at least three of each type of paper you’re going to do in your real exams. That means for GCSE Maths, you’ll want to do three Paper 1s, three Paper 2s, and three Paper 3s. Keep track of what past papers you’ve done and how you scored on them - the more you do, the more ready you’ll be for the real thing.

The great thing is, these two things support each other - the more past papers you do, the easier it’ll be to evaluate and raise your confidence across all the topics you’re covering in every subject. 

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to keep track of your exam readiness while you revise, which is why we’re building a tool for this in our digital revision coach. Have your say in how it works and join the waitlist here!

In the meantime, if you want support applying this readiness framework to your own revision, our 1:1 coaches are here to help.

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